Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hello! This is my first blog post.  I have started my teaching block! So far we have had Hat Day and pizza day, we also have a new student in our class! -Miss Hrynyk

Our new student is learning our names. -Aiden

So far I am having a good time in school. I wore my hat on hat day and pizza day. -Carter

I am home sick. -Lara

I like our new student. -Isabella

We wore our hats on pizza day.  Skylar

We have a new student in our class. -Tanaye

On pizza day we got to use the play structure, even though it was not our day. Friday we have student-led conferences.  -Stella

We have a holiday on Friday. -M.

We have been listening to Christmas songs in our classroom. -Ethan

I am happy Christmas is coming. -Lexie

I love Christmas and I like our new student. -Frdos

I went to the Santa Clause parade. -Enya

We have fun at school. -Aiden

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