Monday, January 6, 2014

The Beginning of January 2014

Today is January 6th, 2014.  It is the start of a new year.  Even though it is a new year, we are still in the same school year and are going to keep working hard in Grade 1 and 2 in Room 163.  In fact, we haven't even celebrated 100 days of school yet!  We all just finished having a break from school and are back at school.  I have lots of wonderful things that I was thinking about during the winter break.  I hope that we can do some Skype sessions, and keep working on becoming better readers and writers. 
My goal for this year is to work hard with all of my students so that I can be the best teacher they have.

-Miss Matsumoto

This year we have started 2014.  I wonder if everybody had a good Christmas.  For Christmas I got just what I wanted, Lego Marvel Superheros for the WiiU.  My goal is to get better at hockey. - Kale

We started a new year, 2014.  We just got back to school from winter break.  We started a little bit of our monster project, but we still need to work on lots more parts.  On my break, for Christmas I got just what I wanted.  I got an iPod and an iPad mini, and a sewing machine.  Me and my mom made a Hello Kitty purse for my iPod, but I use it for my wallet.  My goal is to get better at reading. - Evva

Today we had Learning Buddies, and it was awesome.  There is only 11 people in our class today.  It is a new year.  My goal is to get better at using expression. - Ella

We just got back from winter break.  I got a karaoke machine for Christmas.  On New Year's I went to my friend Tanaye's house and my friend Ella came with me.  We stayed up until midnight!  We had a chocolate fondue!  We did the countdown until New Years!  My goal is to get better at writing because sometimes I write messy. - Stella

My goal is to get better at writing. - Lara

I love the things we did in 2013.  It's mostly the beginning of 2014, but unfortunately its the 6th of January.  My goal is to get better at my voice because I am a little too loud. - A.

Yesterday I went to my cousin's, but I didn't go to her house, I went to her karate place for her birthday party.  We had so much fun.  There were balloons everywhere!  A few balloons got popped.  And there was also this thing that comes from the ceiling and you punch it and kick it.  After we were done, my cousin cut the cake.  She didn't use a knife, she used a sword!  There is this guy named Andrew who helped her.  My goal is to use exclamation marks in books. - Lexie

At Christmas I got HotWheels.  They had different tires.  And I got two wall tracks!  At Christmas I got a 3D DS and I test it with a Lego game.  My goal is to work on shovelling the driveway. - Skylar

My goal is to work on my voice level.  - Jonavyn

My goal is to use my tablet. - T.

After we take our tree down, me, my dad and my sister are going to have a battle with our Nerf guns, Nerf crossbow, Nerf bow and arrow and big Nerf gun.  My goal is to get better at drawing. - Sierra


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