Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Assembly on Thursday

We are going to have an assembly this Thursday.  We are going to have fun. - Stella

I can't wait until the assembly and the 100th day of grade one. - Lara

We are going to sing I Love to Read. - F.

We are going to ask two questions.  And the two questions are: What's your favourite book and why is that your favourite book. - Enya

We work very hard reading.  Some books are easy and pack a punch and we work very hard. - Skylar

We are doing lots of things for the assembly.  Everything is going to be great. - Lexie

We just have two days until the assembly. - M.

We have a new choice for indoor recess.  It's an indoor recess bin and there is bowling and a Snakes and Ladders and a lot of fun things. - Aiden

Our class is one of the classes in charge of the I Love to Read assembly this Thursday.  We have been working hard interviewing each other and people in our school.  We came up with two important questions asking about people's favourite books.  We will be showing their answers on a special video during the assembly.  We also helped to write a part in a poem about books!  Each classroom will get to write one part.  We will all read our own parts during the assembly.  - Miss Matsumoto

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