Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Double Trouble and Hello to Isaiah!

Our class has been as usual extremely busy working hard.  In math we have been writing and solving math story problems for addition AND subtraction!  We also have been learning about the zero property and doubles up to 12+12=24.  We have been making books in Science.

-Miss Matsumoto

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Isaiah moved downtown.  :( I learned that 10+10=20 and 100+100=200. - Aiden

We are making a doubles rap. - Ella

This is for Isaiah.  When are you going to visit?:) - Lara

In Science we are working on our days of the week books.  And we are working on a doubles rap. - Tanaye

When the doubles rap is on, we say 5+5=10.  It's for the doubles rap.  We just count for the doubles rap. - M.

In math we are working on our own doubles rap.  And it's called Doubles Rap II.  - Stella

Isaiah, you missed Dancing in the Park!  It was soooo much FUN! - Lexie

Coming up pretty soon in June is another field trip.  We are going to Oak Hammock Marsh.  I wonder what it's going to be like.  Miss Matsumoto says that it is outside.  I wonder what's there? - Enya


  1. LOL! I loved your rap!!!!! from Ella's sister:)

  2. Hello from Ella's Mom again!I love the rap and I can't wait to hear what you come up with as a class for a rap! I hope your letters to Spring work and it comes soon!

  3. Thanks for your comments!! We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to read comments!!!


Thanks for your comments! We love to read them!!